Otis prepares diverse students of art and design to enrich our world through their creativity, their skill, and their vision.

Otis College of Art and Design
9045 Lincoln Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90045
United States
Toll Free: 800-527-OTIS

Established in 1918, Otis College of Art and Design is a national leader in art and design education. The College mission is to prepare diverse students of art and design to enrich our world through their creativity, skill, and vision. Alumni and faculty are Fulbright, MacArthur, and Guggenheim grant recipients, Oscar awardees, legendary costume designers, leaders of contemporary art movements, entrepreneurs, and design stars at Apple, Abercrombie & Fitch, Pixar, DreamWorks, Mattel, Nike, and Disney.

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Courses offered by Otis College of Art and Design

Parme Giuntini

After graduating from UCLA (B.A., M.A., Ph.D. in Art History) with a scholarly focus on eighteenth century English portraiture, gender and family representation, Parme Giuntini joined the faculty of Otis College of Art and Design. Working at an art college proved to be so challenging, productive and fun that she never left. As the Assistant Chair of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Director of Art History, she has been instrumental in teaching, designing, and supervising courses that address both fine art and visual culture. Her involvement with studio faculty nurtured an interest in fashion and culture and led to a remarkable collaboration with Kathryn Hagen, the former head of Fashion Illustration at Otis and current Chair of Fashion at Woodbury University. This resulted in the 2007 publication of GARB: A Fashion and Culture Reader. For the past five years her scholarly focus has been curriculum design, educational technology and active learning strategies with a special emphasis on online learning and information.

Amy Bond

Amy Bond holds an MFA in Fashion Design from the Academy of Art University and a BFA in Fashion Design from Stephens College. Prior to showing at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York in 2012, the contemporary women’s wear designer created her eponymous Los Angeles produced collection. At its height, she sold to boutiques in over thirty cities across the US and internationally. The flagship store at One Colorado in Pasadena was an innovative concept where manufacturing was done on site, inviting the customers into the story and the process. Bond has been a featured designer at many shows around Los Angeles and her previous residence of Las Vegas, where she provided design development services under her Udahaus Studio umbrella. She has taught for several schools, and has been a fashion educator for 10 years.